
Saturday 26 November 2011

Ancillary tasks - Drafts

DVD drafts:
Below are two drafts i have designed for the DVD covers that i could use. From doing my previous research into DVD covers, i found that DVD's usually follow the principle of thirds, using one main image, simple fonts and keeping everything central; therefore i have applied this knowledge to my draft covers. Some covers also have a banner across the bottom stating some special features on the DVD so i have incorporated this into my drafts. In order to appeal to the target audience, i have made the covers fun and exciting with the use of star shapes which will attract younger children especially. Keeping the young audience in mind, i have used clear and easy fonts to read which also look exciting as they are in 'bubble writing'; therefore making them suitable for the target age range. 

Magazine drafts
Below are two drafts i have designed for the magazine covers. From my research i found that magazines conventionally follow the route of the eye, therefore having the masthead at the top, followed by a main image, then cover lines. The main image usually passes through most the hot-spots and at the bottom of the page in the terminal optical area there is a banner with some more features as a final attempt to gain the audiences attention; therefore I have applied this knowledge to my drafts. I have made these covers fun as well as clear for the audience to read; allowing the magazine to look easy for younger children to understand as well as slightly older children. I have also tried to gain their attention by using persuasive languages, for example stating that there are free gifts with the magazine; using an image of this free gift will reinforce this to the audience and make them feel more excited. I have used fun shapes such as stars and speech bubbles to again make the magazine look like fun. Using a variety of cover lines will also do this. My drafts are quite cluttered which will stand out to the audience as well as making it suitable for the target audience.

Programme logo
Below is the programme logo we have created and designed for our programme which we called 'Jump-up High'. This will be used on the DVD and magazine covers as well as the opening sequence for the programme.  Keeping in mind that our target audience is young children, we have incorporated this knowledge into our design by using bright and contrasting colours which will stand out against each other in order to appeal to a wide audience, we have also used a quirky bold font in order to achieve this. We added some stars to the logo as this creates a 'fun' vibe and these would attract children, it will also help make the 'Jump-up High' logo easy to recognise.

Image Planning
We will take pictures for our ancillary task on the same dates as filming as the characters will all be in the appropriate attire and location. This is time-efficient as well as it mean we will not have to go back at a later stage.

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