
Sunday 27 November 2011

Ancillary tasks - Colour schemes and fonts

I have created a variety of possible colour scheme that i could incorporate into my ancillary tasks to get a good idea of which would be most appropriate for my target audience. To ensure my colour scheme is appropriate for young children i need to ensure that my colours stand out in order to gain their attention. As i am aiming my magazine towards both boys and girls i will need to pick a colour scheme keeping that in mind, doing this will ensure that my magazine caters for a wider audience. 

The colours yellow, green and red are relatively unisex colours and so using this scheme would clearly show to the audience that the show is for both sexes. The colours also stand out, with red obviously being the more dominant colour; this will entice the younger audience.

Orange and purple are both equally as dominant in this colour scheme, however this may appeal more to girls than boys due to the purple standing out as it is quite a feminine colour. To make this scheme appeal to boys as well i could use small amounts of purple.

This colour scheme caters for both males and females due to green and pink being used as the less-dominant colours. This means that the orange will stand out most and as it is a unisex colour will entice the audience as it is quite an inviting colour, meaning that it will stand out to the audience.

I feel that this colour scheme will appeal to a very young audience due to the consistent bright colours used, this is inviting and gives a 'happy' impression. The colours used are unisex, therefore appealing to a wide audience. This scheme will stand out and attract the consumers attention.

This colour scheme is quite feminine due to both purple and pink being used, as well as a baby-blue. This colour-scheme would easily entice the female audience and invite them to look at the magazine. However, it would not appeal so much to boys.

Below are 10 possible fonts that i could incorporate into my ancillary tasks. By choosing a variety of fonts i can get a good idea of which font i think would work best with my magazine and DVD covers in order to appeal to a wider audience. As my target audience is children, i need to make sure the fonts used stand out and are also clear and simple for the audience to interpret.

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