
Friday 24 February 2012


Title: Jump Up High
Genre: Children's television drama

Description of ideas
Our new children's drama, 'Run Around', is a lighthearted and fun show for young children to enjoy. The show is based on the lives of four main characters, a group of friendly school pre-teens. Each character has a different persona to keep the audience interested in watching more of the programme. For example, they follow different kinds of stereotypes which are girly, sporty, geeky and a bully. I found these characters an interesting combination to use as they will keep the viewers entertained due to creating a fun viewing for them, the audience will also be able to easily identify and relate to the characters, therefore appealing to a wider audience. School life is portrayed to be enjoyable during the episodes, therefore encouraging the audience to appreciate school life and their friends.

Why our product will be successful
The children's television drama we have created will be successful as we have researched and analysed existing products which are also aimed at the same target audience as us, young children. Our research has allowed us to identify typical conventions of these existing products and interpret these conventions into our own original opening sequence. Therefore the target audience will be appealed to 'Jump Up High' and enjoy watching the show.

A summary of conventions
Our children's drama 'Jump Up High' follows many different aspects of typical children's dramas that already exist. As we have followed a variety of these conventions, our target audience are more likely to find out product appealing, thus creating a wide spread audience. For example all of the characters involved in our title sequence are pre-teen school students which allows the target audience to relate to them due to being in a similar environment, this means the audience will be more inclined to watch it. For example, all of the locations have been filmed on school premises, such as a classroom and playground, again allowing the audience to relate to the programme as most of them will also be children who attend school. We found that it was conventional to use pre-teens in out analysis of similar products as this make the audience look up to the characters in admiration as they are 'cool, therefore we use them as role-models. Another convention we have followed is the use of the upbeat, enthusiastic theme tune for the programme which makes the show sound exciting as well as entertained. The majority of existing programmes aimed at young children follow the convention of using bright, vibrant colours to entice the audience, as these colours are associated with children. Additionally to this, it is also typical in childrens dramas to use high key lighting to again show the programme as bright and happy, which will attract a wider audience who will see the show as fun. The use of stereotypes is another popular convention i have used, showing each character with an individual personality in order to appeal to a wider audience. For example, 'Jump Up High' includes a character who would be perceived as a 'girly girl' by using appropriate costume and make-up to display this, such as pink clothing, accessories and long blonde hair, which all play a vital role in enhancing her stereotype. 

A summary about the target audience
The target audience for our children's television drama 'Run Around' will be young children predominantly in the age range of 8-12 as this is who we found would be most appealed to it through our research of both analysing existing products and carrying out surveys. By using this age range we will generate as many viewers as possible. The surveys I carried out displayed this as well as analysing existing similar products. 

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