
Tuesday 25 October 2011

Research into similar products: Childrens DVD's

This 'Hannah Montana' DVD cover follows usual DVD conventions by mainly following the principle of thirds. The first thing we see on the cover is the title 'Hannah Montana' in the same font and colours as used for the magazine cover and actual television programme, this house style allows the audience to familiarize and identify the DVD with the show. Another important aspect of the cover is the image of the characters which takes up the majority of the cover, this makes it easy for the audience to recognise the characters as they stand out against the pale background.The layout of the cover remains ordered and organised to ensure that the audience find the cover clear to understand; especially younger children.

The title 'Hannah Montana' remains the same all other 'Hannah Montana' merchandise and the programme itself. This helps to create a recognisable house style which helps the audience identify the DVD with the show. Other fonts used on the cover are relatively large and bold in order to stand out yet they remain simple compared to the 'Hannah Montana' masthead. Using bold fonts will appeal to the young audience as it creates an exciting vibe. Above the 'Hannah Montana' title is the Disney logo which remains the same as always, which again helps the audience identify easily that the programme is related to Disney. Using this logo also helps the show appeal to a wider audience who like Disney. This is again the case in the bottom left corner where the 'Disney channel' logo is used. This is also a demonstration of synergy as both 'Hannah Montana' and 'Disney' are promoting each other to appeal to a larger audience than what could be achieved individually.To the side of this is the last piece of text of the page which reads "EXTRA: The Cast Reveal Their Secrets!" -  having the word 'extra' in a slightly bolder font with capital letters grabs the attention of the audience, therefore allowing them to see every feature on the cover.

The phrase "life's what you make it" will be recognizable to the audience who are already fans to the show as these are lyrics to one of Hannah Montana's most popular songs. This is another way of allowing the audience to familiarise the show with Hannah Montana. The phrase itself could be inspirational to the younger audience who aspire to be like Hannah Montana as it could be seen as advice to them from Hannah herself; this creates a personal bond between Hannah and the audience, making them think of Hannah as their friend. At the bottom of the DVD it states "EXTRA: The cast reveal their secrets!", using the word "secrets" will excite the audience and make them feel important, and as a result will make them want to find out more as it is only featured in this DVD. This again creates a personal bond between Hannah and the audience who will think of Hannah as their friend.

The main images on the cover are of the characters; this is essential to the cover of the DVD as it allows the audience to recognise the show and characters as they stand out fairly well against the pale background used, especially as the main character Hannah wears a sequined red blazer, making her the centre of the audiences attention. Hannah is posed as though she is dancing, reinforcing the fact that she is a pop-star. This appeals to younger girls in particular who aspire to be like Hannah or have the same interests as her. The fact she is placed in front of the other characters emphasises that she is the 'star' of the show.The other characters are placed behind Hannah which shows they are still important characters in the show, however they are not as important as Hannah. This is also represented in their toned-down clothes which contrast against Hannah's clothes. The characters are all posing as smiling which shows the audience that this is a happy show and appeals to them, telling them that they will be happy if they watch the show. Another image used on the cover is the 'Disney Channel' logo in the bottom left corner of the page. This logo shows the audience that Hannah Montana is featured on the Disney Channel, which could help the show cater for a wider audience. This is also an attempt to promote the Disney Channel to the audience.

The colours used on this DVD cover are not particularly feminine, but are neutral pale greens and blues, this shows that the DVD may appeal to young boys as well as just girls. A clear distinction is made between the characters as the characters in the background are wearing reasonably neutral colours (green, brown and pale pink), whereas Hannah wears a sequined red blazer with a bright top which highlights the fact she is the 'star' of the show. The title 'Hannah Montana' maintains its house-style by using the same colours as usual, helping the audience to familiarise the title with the show. A red font is used for the phrase "lifes what you make it" as this contrasts well against the pale background, enabling it to stand out and appeal to a wider audience.

The characters wear what is considered as trendy outfits in the images used. The way the characters have been placed highlights their roles in the show, for example Hannah is at the front and central, telling us she is the star of the show. Whereas the other characters have been placed behind her, suggesting that they are also stars of the show but not quite as important as the character Hannah. This creates a clear distinction between the characters. This is also shown in the characters poses as Hannah stands as though she is dancing whereas the others are standing with their hand at their waist or with their arms crossed. The characters are all smiling which shows that the show is very happy, this sends out a good message about the show and makes the younger audience feel happy too.The characters in the background are wearing reasonably neutral colours (green, brown and pale pink), whereas Hannah wears asequined red blazer with a bright top. The fact she clearly stands out when next to the other characters highlights the fact she is the 'star' of the show as well as showing the differences between an ordinary teenager and a popstar. Her clothes are what young children would see as 'fashionable' or 'trendy', therefore the audience will aspire to be like her or see her as their idol. The fact both males and females are used on this cover demonstrates that the target audience is both boys and girls. 

The DVD cover follows usual DVD cover conventions by following mainly the principle of thirds to make sure that all the features of the cover remain central; placing the masthead at the top with the the images directly below it.

The iCarly DVD cover follows the route of the eye more-so than the principle of thirds which is clear in the layout of the cover. The first item on the cover that the audience is drawn to is the mid-shot of the main character 'Carly' in the centre of the hotspots. Whereas Carly's picture is in the middle, other close up shots of different characters have been placed around her which follow the route of the eye. Carly's picture is larger and more central than these which demonstrates the fact that she is the star of the show. At the top of the cover is the title 'iCarly', the font and colours used for this masthead are the same used for the show, helping the audience to identify with the cover and familiarize the DVD with the show. Just above the masthead is the 'Nicklodeon' logo, which similarly to the Hannah Montana DVD cover, shows the use of synergy in nickelodeon and iCarly promoting each other. At the end of the route of the eye, in the terminal optical area, is a cover line saying "season 1 volume 2" in a very funky and young font. This lets the audience know which episodes are featured on the DVD, allowing them to decide whether they want this season or a newer season.

The main image used on this DVD cover is the mid-shot of Carly which takes up the majority of the cover; reinforcing to the audience that she is the main character of the show. Her image is large to make her stand out as much as possible in order to appeal to a wider audience who will aspire to be like her. In the background there are 3 smaller close-up images used of some of the other main characters; Freddie, Sam and Spencer. These characters are used on the cover as they are also starring characters which the audience enjoy to see and may aspire to be like. The characters are all shown as smiling to emphasise to the audience that it is a happy show and the audience will feel this happiness if they watch the show. The green background looks like pixels, this fits in with the web show theme of the show. The 'Nickelodeon' logo is used as synergy as a way of helping the show and nickelodeon promote each other.

It is clear to see that the target audience is both boys and girls by looking at the colours used. The most dominant colour used is green, with other smaller amounts of colour such as blue, pink, orange and yellow, a combination of feminine and masculine colours which contrast together as a means of making everything on the cover stand out, appealing to a wider audience. The Nickelodeon logo is orange and white as usual, making it easy for the audience to recognise the logo. The pink background of the title is the brightest part of the cover, not only standing out against the pale green background but also ensuring that the blue 'iCarly' title stands out and appeals to the audience who will feel excited by this.

The title 'iCarly' helps maintain a consistent house-style as it uses the same font which is used for the show and other merchandise. This font is yellow, blue and pink which demonstrates that the show is targeted towards both males and females. The pink background ensures that the title stands out and is therefore clear for the audience. It also makes it look much more exciting. The font itself is very simple which again makes it easy for the audience to interpret. Above the title is the 'Nickelodeon' logo, which is also in a very simple white font with an orange background; this is used as a means of promoting the show to the audience as well as promoting Nickelodeon to them. The "Season 1, Volume 1" font is in a very funky and young font which will appeal to the correct age, this font also gives us a 'digital' feeling, which reinforces that the show is based on a web-show. Telling the audience which season and volume the DVD is also gives them a good idea of which episodes are featured on this DVD. 

The characters are all smiling which demonstrates a positive image of the show. The characters consist of two boys and two girls together, which suggests that the show is aimed at a target audience of young boys and girls. However, the characters in the background are smaller which shows that they are still stars of the show but not quite as important as Carly.  This is shown in other ways too, such as the fact that all the characters wear very neutral colours, demonstrating the fact they are all ordinary teenagers.

The DVD follows conventions by keeping a minimalistic layout of just the images and title of the show. However, as opposed to the other DVD's i have analysed, the iCarly one clearly challenges conventions as it follows the route of the eye more so than the principle of thirds; something that is quite unusual for a DVD cover.

This 'The Suite Life On Deck' DVD cover follows usual DVD conventions by mainly following the principle of thirds. The first thing we see on the cover is the title 'The Suite Life On Deck' in the same font and colour the show usually uses; therefore creating a house style which allows the audience to familiarise and identify the DVD with the show. Another important aspect of the cover is the image of four of the main characters, placed between the hotspots, which takes up the majority of the cover; this too makes it easy for the audience to recognise the characters as they stand out against the white background. There are other aspects of the layout which don't initially draw our attention to the DVD but are still important in maintaining that attention once it is given. For example, the Disney Channel logo in the bottom left corner which will appeal to those who are interested in other programmes on this channel.

This first thing we see on the cover in the centre of the page between the hot spots, is an image of four of the characters. In the image, it is clear that the characters are looking out of a boat window, which links in with the 'On Deck' theme of the show. The two characters at the front are the twins, who have been placed in front to emphasise the fact they are the main characters Zack and Cody. Behind the twins are two other characters, both of which are females. Like the other covers i have researched, all of the characters are smiling to show the fact they are having a good time, helping the DVD seem appealing to the audience. Showing an equal amount of girls and boys on the cover also demonstrates the fact it is a programme targeted towards both sexes.

In the central image of the DVD cover, both of the twins wear tops of a blue shade to represent the fact they are typical boys. The female on the left is portrayed as very feminine and girly as she wears pink shades with a lot of jewellery such as her tiara and earrings and as well as this her hair is very curly; emphasising the fact she is very in to her looks. However the girl on the right is shown as much less girly as her hair is plain and she wears black, this highlights the differences between their personalities.

One of the first things we see on the cover is the title which is placed directly above the image. The font of the title remains the same as what is used for the actual television programme, this creates a brand identity and helps the audience to familiarize the DVD with the show. At the very top of the cover is the sub-heading "Anchors away", this may be regarding the name of the episode featured on this particular DVD and it also reinforces the fact the programme is set on a ship. At the bottom of the cover is, similarly to the other DVD's, the Disney logo helping to promote the product to the audience and next to this is some text in very small font saying "EXCLUSIVE: See the stars at their On-Deck premiere!", we know this feature is not as important in drawing the audience in due to the size of the font, but it is important in making the audiences attention remain on the DVD as they will see extras that can only be seen on this DVD. Above this text are two very small logos, both being related to Disney, this gives the audience extra details about the product. The fonts used for the gold sign are also very posh and curly, which shows the ship is usually for adults or families. However the 'Anchors away' font is very masculine, linking with the fact the main characters are boys. However, the 'On Deck' part of the sign which has been taped onto the title has the effect of being hand written by one of the boys, suggesting a sense of mischievousness.

The colour scheme used is mainly white and gold, this highlights the fact that the cruise ship is intended to be quite posh and therefore there will be a few adults in the show. The background is white which keeps the layout of the magazine ordered as well as simple, it is also a unisex colour and so demonstrates the fact that the programme is aimed at both sexes.

The DVD follows conventions by maintaining a minimalistic structure by focusing on mainly the title and the main image of the programme, therefore keeping an ordered layout. It also follows typical conventions by following the principle of thirds in its layout.

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